We are looking for those lecturers with master’s, doctorate, and PhD degrees for whom research assistance is a passion. We are looking for professionally certified resource persons who want to earn a highly competitive compensation, and receive regular payments doing what they enjoy - freelance research and guidance.
The available position is ideal for someone who loves academic research, possess a meticulous nature and an extremely high attention to detail, and has an excellent command of the English language …bearing in mind that we harness Turnitin's A.I. detection and paraphrasing buster at iThenticate 2.0.
If you are a 'copy & paste' [Plagiarizer / Text Manipulator] specialist this is not the job for you!
First degree holders who graduated cum laude and above, may also apply for our in-house mentoring programme to join field data collection teams. [ Cum laude grade point average estimates: gpa for cum laude - 3.5 to 3.7; gpa for magna cum laude - 3.8 to 3.9; gpa for summa cum laude - 4.0+ ]
The position has very high hour requirements – over 60 hours per week, with occasional times of greater workload due to seasonality or changes in team composition. Due to the global nature of our client base, and the timely nature of their requests, this gig requires some availability at nighttime, as well as a 5-6 hour commitment on each weekend.
Choose your area of specialization from the list below:
- Accounting
- Agricultural Economics
- Analytical Chemistry
- Antimicrobial Agents and their actions
- Art Education
- Bioengineering
- Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
- Chemical Engineering
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Communication Design
- Computational Chemistry
- Computer Solution to Scientific Problems and Integral Equations
- Construction Economics
- Development Planning and Management
- Economics
- Environmental Science
- Executive Masters of Business Administration
- Functional Analysis
- Geodetic Engineering
- Geography and Rural Development
- Geophysics
- Gum Technology and Stability Studies
- Health Education
- Horticulture
- Insurance and Risk Management
- Kinetics of Drug Decomposition and Stability of Drug products
- Material Science
- Mineral Exploration
- Narcotic Analgesic Drugs and Dependence
- Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism
- Publishing Studies
- Real functions
- Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation
- Wood Technology and Management